
Short description

heygrün offers an all-round carefree service for green roofs, from consultation to maintenance. Tradespeople receive planned orders free of charge instead of enquiries, allowing them to concentrate on implementation and generate more sales.

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About us

heygrün offers an all-round service for extensive flat roof greening, from consultation to maintenance, including funding applications and roof inspections. We have digitalised and automated the processes and communication and can therefore offer the customer an extended range of services and relieve you as a tradesman. heygrün started with the DIY green roof box, which enables customers to green the roof themselves for small areas. For larger roofs, we organise the jobs for partner tradesmen.

With heygrün, you receive orders free of charge instead of enquiries. This allows you to concentrate on your core business and increase your turnover.

Advantages craftsmen: 

  • Cost and time savings: Up to 4 hours of time saved per job by eliminating telephone consultations, initial inspections, planning costs, agreements and the quotation and invoicing process.
  • Additional attractive orders: Only if the green roof is sold will we arrange this order for you, including planning, roof load and pictures, free of charge. No enquiries, only orders.
  • Independence: You decide which orders you want, at what prices and when. We will arrange suitable orders for you free of charge.

Visit us at our stand and find out more about the future of green roofs!

Become a partner now: https://hey-gruen.de/partner-werden