Workspace Sustainability & Future

Mineral coating for wood Why is it becoming increasingly important

The presentation describes mineral coating options for wooden components that measurably improve the indoor climate and have a good ecological balance. The 'Indoor Climate Course' will also be presented! This is a new and unique course concept in a hybrid course

The amount of time spent indoors is increasing, which is why attention must be paid to a comfortable indoor climate when planning wooden buildings. Wall and ceiling coatings such as clay, silicate and lime have a major influence on the indoor climate in offices, schools and bedrooms. Mineral building materials guarantee good health and environmental compatibility as well as low emissions and electrostatic charge values. In wooden buildings, they ensure that they buffer excess moisture sufficiently well when required and prevent mold growth, but also quickly release it back into the room air to protect the material and mucous membranes from drying out.

Speakers (2)

Dr. Roland Falk

Dr. Roland Falk

Leiter Innovation und Entwicklung BRANCHENZENTRUM AUSBAU UND FASSADE

Karl-Heinz Weinisch

Karl-Heinz Weinisch

IQUH GmbH - Geschäftsführer