Workspace Personnel & occupational health and safety

Future of the skilled trades: Company succession & personal development for skilled tradespeople in the company

Company succession means change. This change begins with the person handing over the company. Henning Hanebutt, Managing Director of the Hanebutt Group, reports on his experience of handing over the company to his son.

Company succession means change. This change begins with the person handing over the company. Henning Hanebutt, Managing Director of the Hanebutt Group, talks about his experience of handing over the company to his son, about reflecting on his own convictions, structure, growth and the continuous development of a company. With its own institute, Hanebutt is now also creating a program for the personal development of all employees.

Speakers (1)

Henning Hanebutt

Henning Hanebutt

Hanebutt GmbH