Trade fair offer DACH+HOLZ 2024

Offline meeting with the influencer community

Meet the stars of the construction industry at DACH+HOLZ International 2024! Book your 20-minute influencer consultation free of charge and get insider tips on online presence, content & reach. Experience Jennifer Konsek, Maurice Odendahl & more up close.

Promotion of young talentExperience a unique offline meeting with the construction industry's influencer community at DACH+HOLZ International 2024.

In the social media consultation hours, experienced influencers will offer valuable tips on how to optimize your online presentation.

Book free 20-minute slots on the trade fair website now and benefit from practical advice on topics such as company presentation, content creation and increasing reach. 

Meet influencers such as Jennifer Konsek (aka Jenni vom Dach), Maurice Odendahl (aka Herr Geselle), Sina Klein (aka Dachdeckerin Sina), Remo Klinger (aka Zimmerer auf Insta), Selim Fritz (aka Dach PRO) and Hannah Scheurer (aka Holzbau Tussi) in person. Together with Andreas Winkler, the administrator of "Zimmer-Treffpunkt" and "Dachdecker-Treffpunkt", you can discuss the future of the industry.

Promotion of young talent