Product-Highlight DACH+HOLZ 2024

LarOn 21 - The new generation

With the LarOn series of roof welding machines, the rheinland-pfälzische supplier HERZ from Neuwied has held a leading position in the welding of thermoplastic roofing materials and tarpaulins for many years.

According to the manufacturer, the robust, efficient and powerful features of this series have been improved in many ways with the next generation, the LarOn 21 model. The optimizations are also based on feedback from users who were already very satisfied with the earlier models.

Increased welding speed shortens operating time

Reducing the time required to complete the work process on the roof more quickly is a feature that users always have in mind. In addition to the experience and routine of the craftsman, the performance of the roof welding machine is also a factor. HERZ claims an increase in welding speed of up to 30% for the new LarOn 21, depending on the material of the plastic sheets and the ambient temperature. The reliable brushless motors, which require no special maintenance during operation, play a significant role in this.

Proven and new electrical components

The new model, equipped with automatic start-up, continues to rely on tried-and-tested standard electronics, which have proven to be extremely robust in tough construction site use. If the worst comes to the worst, it is easy to maintain and promises simple repairs. The digital display of temperature and speed also keeps the user informed at all times. As the mains voltage of the power connection is not always within the standard range, a built-in voltage tester now helps to check the mains voltage before starting up the machine.

A more powerful transformer protects against fluctuations in the mains supply. A built-in GPS tracker is used in the new generation to protect against theft, to organize work assignments with changing teams and also to plan maintenance intervals better. This means that the location of the device can be tracked at any time using an app on a smartphone or computer.

The mechanics round off the new performance spectrum

Optimum air flow in the area of the welding nozzle has a significant influence on the efficiency of the welding performance. With a modernized welding nozzle, the LarOn 21 meets increased expectations while maintaining optimum weight distribution with proven contact pressure for crease-free welding. As with the support roller, the axle mechanism has been reinforced to optimize the robustness of the design. This in turn has been accompanied by other parts of the mechanism that have been additionally reinforced to further increase wear resistance. The design of the machine's telescopic guide arm has also been improved to make it even easier to achieve a comfortable working position. The stable and construction site-compatible design of the innovative LarOn 21 can also be extended by the flexibility factor for a wider range of applications. For example, the welding nozzle can be adapted with a conversion kit in 80 mm and 100 mm so that bitumen material can also be welded using the larger welding width.